Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Potentially Interesting Places #11

...I think I've decided that this next set of SiPIP videos will be on keyboard or piano. We'll see how that goes. This experiment, I wish I'd have realized how quiet the keyboard was to the camera. Bummerville. Oh well. It's my song, "DXO" played at Odle Middle School in Bellevue, WA. I think Heart went to middle school here. For me, this song is about how sometimes, even with the best intentions, it just doesn't make any sense to be with a person.

Songs in Potentially Interesting Places #11 from Cristina Bautista on Vimeo.


  1. A friend of mine went to Odle, with Sam Jayne of Love as Laughter, et al. I was in the same 5th grade class as Sam, but I went to Highland.

    not that this has anything to do with anything.

  2. Oh man! I totally forget that you came up on the east side a little bit! I had no idea about Sam Jayne.


    Verses... G-Bm-C-Cm
    Chorus.. C-D-E-G-C-Cm
    Bridge... G-C-D
