Sunday, March 7, 2010


Visqueen's show on Friday night at Neumo's was something of a homecoming and send-off. It sold the eff out. We could hardly believe it. Ben came over from the Hounds' show at the Showbox and we had to weave and push like very apologetic assholes to get from one side of the room to the backstage door. Sorry! We all got a "SXSW survival kit" gift bag: now I never have to know what life is like without PBR lip balm ever again. Or until I run out of the stuff.

Fences, Mash Hall and Hey Marseilles played the show with us. I hadn't properly seen Fences before. I did wander into their set once when they played as a stripped-down version of themselves and I guess were having a rough night. Friday night? I totally loved them. Gorgeous, gorgeous songs.

Lori Paulson took some really beautiful pictures at the show, too! I like this one of me:

I slept for 12 hours last night. Crashed hard very early. Trying to make a dent in all the damage I have to do before we leave this week. I'm so eager to jump back in the van, but I really have a lot to do before that happens. Right now, it looks like a grenade went off in my bedroom from packing, unpacking, packing, unpacking, laundry and my recent decision to sort through everything I own and eliminate 75% of it. Post-SXSW garage sale? And then we'll talk about moving...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had an awesome time.. and I'm very interested in your "get rid of everything and move" sentiments. I can tell you - it's a fun fresh feeling.

    Now get going so you can head my direction before long.
