Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Potentially Interesting Places #7

Today is my friend Matt Garman's birthday! A year ago today, we were trekking across the country in a rented Suburban. He was Connecticut Four's wingman for that tour, and now the midwest has a hold of him. He's all the way in Chicago now, so I decided to push this cover song ahead in the SiPIP line since he asked for a recording of it some time ago. So, here's my version of Lauryn Hill's "Doo Wop (That Thing)" performed on a rock in the lake at Robinswood Park in Bellevue, WA. I was a little nervous between the passing children and the couple of times the word fuck appears in the first verse (it's the Eastside; I'm sure some parents still censor at home here), but I did change it so I don't sing the n-word... so... that's probably okay, right? At least the ducks didn't seem too bothered.

On that note, happy birthday, Matt! Seattle misses you so much it even let summer in today.

Songs in Potentially Interesting Places #7 from Cristina Bautista on Vimeo.

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